why we made a hand salve

At Evan's Honey Co., we're more than just beekeepers. We're problem solvers. Our journey into creating a protective hand salve is a testament to that spirit, born from a real need and crafted with care.

The idea for our hand salve originated during Evan's pharmacy school rotations. The constant handwashing required in these clinical settings left his skin dry and uncomfortable. Despite trying various products, nothing provided the protection and relief needed for hands under such frequent stress.

The solution, we realized, was right in our own beehives.

Putting the pieces together

While we had been managing our hives and harvesting honey, we hadn't fully explored the uses of our bees' hard work beyond honey production. In creating our hand salve, we found a perfect use for the beeswax cappings we'd been storing from our honey harvests. These cappings, which our bees use to seal honey in the comb, are a valuable resource because, unlike other sources of beeswax within the hive, this wax is fresh and has minimal pollen, oils, and other impurities mixed into it from thousands of bees walking on it. By incorporating these cappings into our salve, we're not only creating a superior product but also ensuring that every part of our bees' hard work is put to good use.

Pharmacists have a long tradition of compounding medications, including topical formulations. This practice dates back to the early days of modern pharmacy in the 19th century, when most medicines were custom-made. Compounding creams, ointments, and salves was once a routine part of a pharmacist's work. While mass-produced pharmaceuticals have largely replaced compounding in recent decades, the skill remains an important part of pharmacy practice. While different from compounding, making this hand salve was a natural application of Evan's pharmacy education and combined with our access to high-quality beeswax, we set out to create something that could meet a genuine need. Our goal was to develop a hand salve that would protect, soothe, and support the skin.

Picking ingredients with a purpose

We carefully selected each ingredient for its specific properties:

  • Sunflower oil high in linoleic acid to support the skin barrier and provide moisturization

  • Our own beeswax to create a protective barrier and lock in moisture

  • Lanolin for its emollient properties, mimicking the skin's natural oils

  • Calendula, infused into the oil, for its soothing and anti-inflammatory benefits

  • Propolis, also infused into the oil, for its antibacterial and antioxidant properties

The result is a hand salve that provides protection, soothing relief, and barrier support for hands under frequent stress.

Who’s it made for?

While initially created to solve Evan's problem, we soon realized that many others could benefit from our creation. Other healthcare workers, of course, but also artists, parents, and anyone looking for extra protection for their hands can now find relief with our salve.

This hand salve has become a natural addition to our Evan's Honey Co. product line. It's another way our bees are helping us take care of people, complementing our raw honey.

We invite you to try our hand salve and experience the protection and care your hands deserve. After all, your hands work as hard as our bees – it's time they received some special attention.


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